Tuesday, March 24, 2015


and so the wasps have returned to the neighbor's roof
the scurrying and buzzing about, their coming and going
i noticed them a few days ago while daydreaming
no sign of them today though perhaps this is because of the
windy conditions today, which is quite nice
the cats are around, the boy cat sleeps in the back room
and the girl cat sits next to me watching with intent
she tapped my arm which scared me as it usually does, haha.
one would think i'd get used to it, but sadly it still scares me.
i've been enjoying the spring temperatures latelyall the windows opened, breezes flowing through the house
of course with that comes the touch of allergies
although, thankfully, they haven;t been that bad thus far.
i feel fine lately
i dream on.

the girl cat (chrissy) near my chair:

Tuesday, March 10, 2015


spring is on it's way now, temperatures on the rise
writer's block has made it's way back again
well, sort of, there's a few different things i've been working on
just nothing, as of yet, to put up on here
we are our worst critic or so the saying goes
well, im feeling good, a theme of things lately....eternally
a smile, a feather floating on spring breezes, a sound of heaven
in the ears, on the eyes, into the heart
well, the cats are here, the girl cats sits in my lap purring
the boy cat, probably in the back rooms somewhere, sleeping
they are funny, except of course when they leave the gift of
a hairball or vomit for me to find.
the mule (my car) has been acting up on me lately
work to be done, money to be spent, still wished i had that one car
anyway, i went to the irish festival here this past saturday
or the "gay rodeo" as one used to call it, haha.
annual irish stew, funnel cake, beer, and now chicken fried bacon
yes, chicken fried bacon, with gravy to dip it in. it was delicious
and so spring is welcomed with open arms
driving with the windows rolled down and music playing
well, once the mule is mended
those long drives, those carefree days, those dream like days
and i dream on, into the fields and oceans of eternal heaven