Saturday, November 14, 2015


i still struggle most days, most every day
only now i hide it behind my silent eyes
well, my eyes that are silent to most
but they scream loudly for one
my eyes.....
most things come as no surprise
except of course, when it comes to the world
more specifically the people of the world
the craziest of crazy
well, i've always needed something to drive me
not that i dont think decently of myself
but ive always needed a reason to fight
a reason to keep my persistence going
rather that be love or a passion of life or whatever
only now, im stranded on this barren beach
just waiting, perhaps im just waiting for my bones to bleach
of all the things in my life thus far, there's only one part
i truly miss, over any and all else
it's a cold and lonely night here
i sit here shivering, typing this nonsense out here
screaming and yelling louder than ever through my tears
my mouth is silent, but those tears, those tears scream
i wonder if you can hear them?
they call for you, they call your name
the cats are none the wiser
they're both in the back room somewhere
they sleep in ways i wished i could
i feel ok, the sadness persists
im just waiting to see...
life is strange, and stranger still each year that passes
dreaming, dreaming, dreaming...