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thanks for reading
i've not much to say these days
as the season changes and
the days grow short
days where music tells a better tale
and so i will leave this song here
perhaps it can tell you too a tale
a tale that my words can not
that my thoughts and emotions can not tell
well, i feel decently of late
thoughts still swirl
and the girl cat still dreams
and the neighbors still destroy
the peace and gentle quiet of the neighborhood
which in turn bashes my sanity
a loud truck or loud stereo or both
my world has changed
and yes, perhaps, i've changed
perhaps because of it all
perhaps because of 3 years of isolation
sober isolation
it has been extraordinarily difficult
and yet the past few months has calmed
things seem easier to see and observe these days
i think everyone should stop and disconnect
sober up for a while and isolate for a while
maybe then we will pay attention to the birds
that sing and watch the trees that dance
see the wind caressing the meadows of grass
or watch the dog or cat play in the suns rays
maybe then we can see one another actually
maybe then the world would explode with love all around
until then i sit back and watch
as people are ads in magazines
i watch as leaves swirl on the ground
i watch as years pass like water trickling
down the rooves of homes after a storm
watch how we too are like that water
that trickles down roof tops
here for a short while, then gone
don't forget to be kind to one another
and as another midnight passes
i hope for clarity for the world
as i sit watching time dance with the world
watching time dance with the world....