Friday, April 6, 2018

4-5-2018 -- 4-6-2018

well, let me see now where was i?
oh yeah, i meant to forget about it all
but i keep coming back
you know, the whole waiting thing
age creeps in and taps on my mind
taps on my body, letting me know it's here
high blood pressure visits me now
one more thing to drive me there
how loud can one yell before someone hears?
how many times does one yell before
realizing that no one is listening,
that no one will ever hear?
how lonely can one feel?
the loneliness of an empty mirror
the norm had become a melancholy
an absence of feeling anything until today
today was the first in a while of emotions
paying me a visit and oh did the tears well up
they flowed like the song of a choir
singing an elegy for the dearly departed
what songs do they sing?
the wind blows in through the window screen
with a slight hissing sound as it goes through
maybe that is the song they sing
well, at least they're singing that song for me
it seems to be and nary a voice is heard
just like mine, oh look a cricket is singing
but it's not singing for me, but rather for a female
to come to him, just like me.....shit
uncertainty, shrouded in mystery
shrouded in warpaint and armor 42 years thick
oh he tires, his strength does wane
it's harder more so than ever before
to get back up once he falls or is beaten down
sometimes he stays down for a while
well hell, i feel ok, i guess
outside of the high blood pressure anyway
the cats are up to their usual thing
with the sleeping and eating and dreaming
the overall contentment, such a life
my eyes are clouded, my head hangs low
my spirit wanes, my ember still burns though
smoldering, waiting for the fuel to come 
to flame up into an inferno of eternity
i see smoke all around me, evidence
of the flaming infernos of others
which gives me hope and yet also cant help
to not feel some slight hints of envy
oh well, rather stubborn or gluttonous
i wait to see what happens tomorrow
dreaming all the way

partially written yesterday and finished today

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