Tuesday, July 2, 2013

about footprints

these are the footprints we left when we were last here.
this is where we stood for a while.
you can see where we used to lay.
time has taken it's toll
all around are signs of time and pressure.
my eyes see where the truth lies as time flies.
i also hear cries from a distance. its very persistant
sound permeates into other areas
traveling towards and away from us, here where we stand
these cries create echoes which others pick up and carry.
in turn their cries echo and yet more pick up and carry
this will continue until the end of time.
some dont want to carry these cries, but eventually
we're all forced to carry them
sometimes the cries are given to us by our parents.
then we carry them all our lives
sometimes even giving them to our children
for some the cries are too much of a burden to carry and they fall
others can carry the burden, but are blinded by the stack of cries
unable to see where they're going, they crash
sometimes we find someone to walk with and, together,
we hold each other up, helping each other to the destination
we're all heading to.

permanent marks on our minds, causing us to keep searching until we find...our destination.

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