Monday, July 21, 2014


the heat arrives again melting the thoughts out of my brain
energy levels drop or is it that i'd just rather not be out in the heat?
maybe a combination of both
tightrope walkers and conversation talkers
attention seekers and people leaders
blind all the same
we've all got it all figured out, don't we?
i say nonsense, we're all blind
none of us know the way
those that stand out acting as though they have it all figured out
are the blindest of all, crashing into walls of thought and mindlessness
we have that commonality....blindness
i'm words, they're blind, my thoughts are blind
if we all understood our common blindness, maybe we'd love each other more
maybe we'd stop fighting and warring and killing and hating all the time
of course toss this heat into the mix and volatility ensues
this heat...both physical summer heat, and the heat of the world socially and "politically"
maybe this heat, has my mind in a madness enduced state making me
think upon these kinds of things or maybe there's more to it
this heat.....this heat.....

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