A disappearance, sort of like a dance upon thoughts,
thoughts that can drag on for ages and not actually age,
and yet we still have no choice in turning the page.........in life.
i tire.....i tire for many reasons and many times over.
my heart hurts, my head hurts and i didn't even realize
that i have stubbed my toe once again.
feels as though the toenail has been torn and bleeding.
my mind dances, it dances the way a person may have
walked when they were forced to "walk the plank"
the effects of life is so bright that you can smell it
it's scent is so strong, you can feel it
it's sound is so powerful you can see it
it's happiest of days still brings the saddest of days
and on those saddest of days, we'd all like to be the happiest.
a disappearance, sort of like a thought in our minds
that fades slowly, the way the lights of an airplane in the night sky
slowly and surely fade to darkness.
the thought that fades but the memory remains
as do the emotions and feelings seared forever behind closed eyes,
behind opened eyes, behind crying eyes
still lingers the fingers of fantasy, of dreams and of happiness
here now, the malaise of better days trailing into the present
making that which is ongoing, that much more of a reckoning
the cruelest of the cruel, the most painful of pains,
the most struggling of struggles
a lone child jumping in puddles after a rainstorm
oblivious to the mundane monotony of adult realities.
they're actually the ones that have it all figured out
we, as adults, like to think we do, but the older we get
the further away from reality we become.
perhaps this is why Alzheimer's and dementia and other brain anomalies
come to us as we age.
cats have it figured out too, they understand what we wish, what we dream
what we'd like to hold in the palms of our hands
my old cat boogies visited my sleep dreams the other nighther soft soft long haired fur, her light purring, and small beads all over
the ground and carpets and floors of the room we were in.
a walk in the park, a nice country side drive, a car accident on a
busy downtown highway.
this initially started with the first 3 lines and was going to be solely built on them
but as i wrote the next 3 lines i noticed the thought traffic in my mind build up
so i decided to just dump them all as they came verbatim.
while doing that it felt like steps in a movement
so there it is unedited
a mixed up day today
it started normal and nice, then transformed into quite the lonely evening/night
nothing but the contents of my mind to keep me company
oh and the cats, although they're not around at the moment.
they're probably sleeping in their usual spots dreaming like we can not
it's difficult not to think about how life could be so much different
so much more beautiful and happy if only things had been different for me
the past few days were beautiful, unusually warm in the upper 70's to
lower 80's and quite blustery a bit. like a spring day in the middle of winter
i have jeff bridges sleeping tapes with me right now and ive become quite
addicted to them....beautiful pieces of sound and voice taking me so
very deep into my dreams of heaven and love and beauty.
very deep into my dreams of heaven and love and beauty.
well, there's not much to it these days, just a cyclical repetition of days
anyhow, i dream on.......i dream on
have a listen: dreamingwithjeff.com/#_
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