Saturday, June 28, 2014

today's journal entry with untitled

i've remained silent lately, with nothing much to say,
nothing much to write about without seeming like a broken record
the heat grows as does the humidity, soon july will be here
and the heat will increase, then august comes with it's oven times
baking us all into loaves of clumsiness and sweat and tiredness
seemingly baking the very life out of us.
i never liked the heat of texas summers, i've always preferred
the beauty of fall, the coolness, the beauty of temperatures
finally dropping down after long texas summers of baking in the oven
the colors, the dew, the fog, the changing of the leaves on trees, it's nice.
uncertainty remains constant in my mind, thoughts lingering on change
change while maintaining one fact, one thought, one emotion, one heaven.
most fear change, i embrace it the way a parent embraces it's lost child upon reuniting.
well, allergies kicking my eyes into watery redness annoyances
sleeping a little better lately, or so it seems anyway
the cats still live their pampered easy lives unaware of human realities
or are they unaware? this we will never know.
my mind hungers on.

i often wander through forests of people, finding it difficult to move
strangulated by their words, their oppressions, their hatred.
their branches of impeding complications and dramas.
their thorns of spite, their barbs of animosity.
sometimes i find another person like me, wandering.
we walk together for a while, searching for a way out of the forest
then we decide to meander away from each other
or differences and complications determine for us
i wander away trying to find some solace, but that was taken away
my feet move with a heaviness, my arms out weight my feet
my head feels like it could fall off, it too is so heavy
i think of how it would look rolling on the ground after falling off
wandering away does no good as i just turn from one forest into another.
more strangulating words, oppressions, and hatreds.
so, i will continue my meandering wander, my search for my solace.

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