Wednesday, September 23, 2020

9-23-2020 01:12

i was listening to this song
and became overwhelmed with thoughts
that i felt had to be spilled out here
for best results,
scroll down first and click play
then read

i've stubbed my toe on cemented thoughts,
as the sirens call from distant dreams
and like a lost cloud,
i float through eternity's embrace,
following the trails of those
who came before me
a wandering of souls in the wells
and beaches of infinity
clouds swirl with the wind's
paint brush strokes
as the sun cries in anguish
while it dazzles us with the magic
of it's setting rays on the horizon canvas
and all the while most heads are bent down
fixed on devices and at the artificiality
of "social medias"
too hypnotized to see the truth
to see the magic of real life
and so some of us have retreated
retreated to isolated days and ways
hiding away from the banality of
modern life, and the modern societal ways
and we have taken to talking to no one
and everyone that might see
i talk aloud to my cat,
i talk aloud to the television,
and I talk aloud to videos I watch online
as though I were talking to another person
a minds attempts to compensate for
the isolation of a year
the isolation of what seems like eternity
a windows view of an empty backyard
an aged chain link fence
of which is older than i am
i watch the changes of time
the trees and human interactions with nature
the cutting of tree limbs and grasses
the occasional pet that wanders along
and i watch in silence as, often times,
they are completely unaware of my presence
.....that is yet another kind of loneliness
well, i guess most all of people
in this world are unaware of my presence
and perhaps that is just fine by me
as there are alot of hunters at the ready
slowly, dreams and aspirations seem to
be getting buried into nothingness
buried down and forgotten
as the blur of time and isolation
pours heavy the soils of absence
the weather has been beautiful
for the past two days
rainy overcast skies and cool temperatures
the suns light behind clouds of beauty
pouring it's soul out onto the earth
almost like a middle aged man
in an empty room pouring his soul out
on here for all to see

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