as usual scroll down
and click play if it is
not auto-playing
years like leaves in twisted winds
eyes like shutters nailed shut
and the people dance in pools of hatreds
watchers like stars in night skies
and the empaths weep
i weep for this world
i weep for my sadness of my life
and i weep for the people of this world
i weep for the days when we all
looked at one another with a smile and a nod
with a pleasant "how are you?" in passing
i weep for the days when beauty was everywhere
i weep for the children of this world
years like cemetery headstones
eyes like raging fires burning
the people at war with everything
and the empaths weep
i weep for who i once was
i weep for my missing heart
the flattened one, the target
i weep for humanity
and when i weep, my tears are in vain
when i feel, i feel in vain
years pass in vain
eyes open, yet don't see
the people fight each other in vain
and the empaths weep
i weep tears on shores of life
my tears are absent any care
my life is absent any care
i walk like a plastic bag in the wind
my countenance is of sheer defeat
i tried in vain
i loved in vain
i cared in vain
it's times like these that we all
could really learn from the
cat that plays in the grass
from the child and it's imagination
we could learn from love
we could learn that hatred only creates
more and even worse hatred
my life such as it is is already difficult to be in
and with the world losing it's grip on humanity
my future is looking more and more bleak
wind blows across burnt fields
the flowers withered and crumbling
the trees that once swayed seared to ash
and this little boy still plays
hoping for a green blade of grass
i don't feel anything but sadness these days
the days like train tunnels through mountains
my mind like a room filled with shouting people
my heart like mangled shreds of paper
sometimes when i cry from loneliness
i think to myself, no one is even aware that im here
crying out almost 45 years worth of pain
that thought is such a whole different level of loneliness
people that live nearby that it wouldn't
even occur to them that there is a man
in agony and their dogs torture him further with their
incessant barking and the noise of their booming bass
from their cars poke and prod my mind like a hot poker
and the occasional passerby walking a dog
completely unaware of a lonely man weeping into eternity
or, when i do leave the house, the road rager angry at me for not
driving like a complete mad man
unaware of the sheer level of loneliness i'm in
and that those actions towards me make me feel even
further alienated from society and human interaction
if i could have any wish, it would be for the world to love again
and for beauty to come back to it again
nevermind my loneliness
i'm a thought in passing
a memory that will fade like light during sunset
it is sad to think that whenever my time comes
that i may just be alone when it comes
....that is yet another kind of loneliness
to die alone, with no love, no one to care
anyway, the girl cat is watching me type
her countenance is of peace and contentment
i wished there were strong enough and fitting words
that could properly and exactly describe how defeated i feel
im tired and my head rings
im an echo, aren't i?
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