Thursday, January 28, 2021

1-27-2021 11:04pm

for best results
scroll down and click play
if it is not already playing

let me see here
just what is melancholy
what is it when you're disconnected
from feeling anything at all
like lost in fog so thick you cant 
see anything else except fog
and for some reason it reminds me of
a recurring dream i used to have as a child
i'm laying in a bed and the sky is blackened
with a slight dark dark red hue to it
there's two massive objects in the sky above
one on each side of me
they're like darkened grey rocks
sometimes i could see myself laying
on the bed below and other times i couldn't
but when i could see myself,
the bed was seemingly in a spotlight
or just lit up a little brighter than everything else
sometimes i'd hear a voice whispering
sometimes it was a male voice, other times a female voice
and sometimes still the voice seemed neither male or female
sometimes i couldn't actually hear what was being said 
other times i'd hear it's ok or it will be ok
there was a thin line or wire connecting the two 
rock like objects in the sky
the object on the right would form a hole
right where the line connected
and a marble looking object would roll out
and begin rolling towards the left object
once it got to it, it would begin rolling back
and each time it got to the object on the right
the line would get a little more slack in it
so that the line started to droop down
and no matter how much slack was in the line
the marble object never got any faster or slower
and right when the line was getting close to me,
the object on the right side would turn into a hand
and grab the marble object with it's pinky finger
and then grab the line and straighten it out and form solid
again, then the hole would form again for the marble to begin
rolling again and it would repeat this until i woke
all the while i would feel like my body was immensely massive
and myself or my soul felt microscopic
like i could feel myself inside my body
strange dream....not as strange as the ritalin induced dreams
i had back then...they were something like old screensavers
from like windows 95 or something
crazy patterns and colours and like television snow
constantly changing and moving and morphing
yes, i had those dreams, as strange as it sounds, even to me 
they were also recurring dreams
what's it like to deeply know as a child that something
about a tiny pill was bad and caused me to, psychologically,
have trouble swallowing it
as if to subconsciously know it was bad for me
and from then on i had trouble taking most any pills
unless i took them with a meal
although now i just prefer taking a pill with meals to 
prevent upset stomach and such
it was because i didn't quite learn like the rest, you see
hyperactivity and attention deficit disorder...or so they called it
was an uneventful day today
a repetition of the same blurred days
i'm still under the melancholy haze
the girl cat is in another room somewhere probably 
sleeping and dreaming like i only wished i could
i still walk like a plastic bag in the wind
and it's strange, even though i feel melancholy completely
i still "co-exist" with loneliness like it's here with me
even though i don't feel it....such a strange feeling indeed
my thoughts are like a book with all the pages being blank
absent of words or looking into the thickest of fog
i'm being soothed by the song i put at the bottom
it's been on repeat for the past 2 or 3 days now
and played all day as well
i feel it resonate with me for some reason and in some way
and words have escaped me as to why or how
the words escape me in general now
perhaps it's because the bed calls for me
to come and warm it up
maybe i'll dream a strange one this night
this night as another midnight passes by

Wednesday, January 27, 2021

worth a listen

a little something
that, i think, is worth a listen
of course it is not anything
that i created,
im not that talented

Monday, January 25, 2021

1-24-2021 11:34pm

as usual and for best results
scroll down and click play
if the song is not auto-playing

words were swirling around
thoughts hovering and lingering
but i sit down to write them,
and they hide away
hide to spaces and places
of my mind i'm not aware of
and so i've sat here for a bit wondering
what those thoughts and words were
well, i feel melancholy again today
sort of a blank haze like a fog
a fog in night's light
vision obscured....diminished
i used to love going for walks in the fog
cool temperatures and damp fog
at least the skies have been in my favor
with the overcast greys and off white colours
although i didn't actually look or go outside
physically i feel tired, and my head still rings
what happened to the boy...
the one that used to ride on his Tonka
the all steel yellow Tonka dump truck
and the lacquered wooden floor of the hall
what happened to the boy...
the one dumb enough to stick his finger
into a red hot car cigarette lighter
and to this day has a T shaped scar there
ironic his name also starts with a T
even more ironic is he has floaters
in his eyes and one of them is also
shaped like a T
what happened to the boy...
the one that got left behind by ritalin
and damage and pains and abuses
that boy is lost somewhere out there
and all that is left is a shell
a book that has pages falling out
an empty shelf
no pictures or trophies or accomplishments
no family or friends or place to call home
i sail on seas like blood in veins
i choke on words and breaths in vain
i wish on stars and dream the same
i weep and i cry to find my own name
stars and dreams that aren't real 
and that wont ever be real
sometimes i feel like if anything is to 
change for me, that it would have to be 
that someone would have to prove to me
that somewhere, someone does care
prove to me that i wont get tossed aside
like worn shoes or an empty cup
prove to me that i wont get crushed and destroyed
the way all the others have done,
friends and romantic partners alike
and so i fear everything in every way
and people too...of course people too 
this isolation was once comforting
but now it's a source of malcontent
now that i've decided to maintain a sober life
and if i were to face the fears
i haven't the slightest clue on how to
go about meeting new people
where to go, what to do
the sound of it automatically fills me
with awkward thoughts and embarrassments
makes me want to sign up to be the first to colonize mars
melancholy...a word that sounds nothing like what it means
sounds like it would be some kind of joyful song
well, my head rings and my eyes droop
while the bed calls for my body to warm it up
and yet another midnight comes and goes
another day gone forever

Friday, January 22, 2021

1-22-2021 some dumb journal entry

 for best results
scroll down and click
play, if it is not already
playing, thanx for your

and some days we look back and dream
dream of what was and want again
those memory lane days
for me i just wanna feel those
normal days, feeling connected and desired
experiencing the long conversation days
enjoying another's company days
those happy no plans to do anything except
let the day plan for us what to do
dancing in a field together with no shoes on
those time don't exist days
getting lost in company and conversations
a look at the stars, a look into eyes
a glimpse into the eternity of time
a saving grace
a suffocating soul of isolation
withering heart and mind
his days feel like they're stuck in a loop
even his words seem like they too
are stuck in an endless loop
well, was a wet day today with the off 
and on again sprinkling showers
colder temperatures today
as for the skies?
well, i'm not sure, i never looked outside
am sure i sure could use some sunshine
on my face and skin
i miss going for walks and hiking
i miss seeing things and doing things
today was one of those melancholy
feeling absolutely nothing days
even now, my mind absent of emotion
probably why my words seem like they too 
are withering
hospital bills and student loans
and life in isolation
a picnic with the mind
i see a single tree with only a few leaves left on it
and i can see the fear in the tree of the wind
my head still rings and pulses or so it feels
i just thought that i could use a vacation
how funny....
how dumb of me and my old brain
i don't think i ever learned what it feels like to
get a pat on the back or a commendation
or to be praised for anything
im not even sure i'd know how to properly respond
to such things if they were to ever occur there's a strange and sad thought
not sure why that popped into my old brain
run fast down that trail dear charley
but be sure not to fall down
run fast down that hill old boy
don't let your bones break
howl out loud at the sky old boy
cry out and yell for all to hear
howl out loud in vain
i watch the days pass like cars on a highway
i watch and wait for better days
all the while thinking about inevitability
as the weight and stress piles on and the clock 
strikes midnight, night after night
i try to reminisce on better days
but better days are like the moon
so far away but i can still see them
and the one ive tried to bury away
the one that destroyed me with her ways and words
she wont stop visiting me in my dreams when i sleep 
and sometimes in my thoughts randomly during the day
ive no idea why and it's so strange that it still occurs
....that is yet another kind of torture
what's in a mind?
what's in a heart?
what's in a soul that cries out for love
and is only met with crushing blows?
shelled peanuts have more substance
oh well, another day of the days

Saturday, January 16, 2021

doltish rambles in the dark

for best results/effect
scroll down and click play
if it is not auto-playing
thanks for your attention

what do you do when you want
human interaction, connection
but fear people overall?
even fearing the kindness of others
i often have felt like i wasn't
supposed to be here in this universe
some would call me depressed, 
i laugh at that description
most times it is only loneliness,
other times it's the chains that 
have bound me to the ground 
since i was a teenager
and sometimes still it is 
living in a world of deceit and hatreds
i don't celebrate my own birthday
in fact, i dislike my birthday
i will go to my family celebration of it
but i would be fine either with or without
not that i'm afraid of age and getting older
i actually like being this age
but rather it's a constant reminder of 
a bad decision i made as a teenager
that still affects me to this day
the shadow that i walk in every day 
it's too bad that the only way to learn
in life is to make mistakes and bad choices
and sometimes those mistakes and
bad choices are the worst of all to make
like the decision i made once to for me
and my friends to cross a busy highway
at night and all of us made it across except one
she stopped in the median you see
i think, to fix her sandals
and then immediately she started to run across to us
while a car came along at 65+ miles per hour
my eyes witnessing her body flip like a doll
my mind short circuiting in and out of traumatic stress amnesia
several periods of time where i can recollect nothing
like time stopped, one second i'm sitting on the 
ground and the next second i'm in the back of a
police car being given a ride to the police
station to give my official statement on the 
events that occurred that lead to what happened
all the mistakes ive made that i've never been
able to forgive myself for
and the shame that goes along with those mistakes
i wouldn't ever hurt anyone in anyway
even the times ive been forced to defend myself
i have felt horrible about 
to injure someone is such a horrible feeling
worse than when i feel physical pain
i wasn't meant for this world
my heart is far too big for such 
incredibly small spaces
i think that i came to this world just wanting
to be loved and accepted for who i am
but that has been a pipe dream
oh there's been those that have said they did
but always their actions proved otherwise
nothing lasts, friends, love
all like vapors of steam that rise and disappear
and so i sit encased by 4 walls and a window
alone wondering why life has to be this way
why a middle aged man sits in a room alone
in isolation for nearly 2 years straight
afraid of the hunters 
afraid of people, of life
a scared, injured animal hidden away to heal or die
withered, weakened, worn down
love is a cloud that billows in spring skies
dumping down on us, but eventually that rain
stops and the cloud is gone
what is in a word?
what is in a heart that gives and gives?
what is in a life in isolation
with no one to talk to, no one to care?
maybe i am nothing more then a mistake
a mistake like the ones i've made my entire life
was a windy day today
cold winds creeping through cracks into the house
the girl cat frequently and politely asking for attention
more often today then usual
my head still rings and the loneliness still hovers
i feel sad and defeated
i'm 6 foot 1 inch tall, and yet i feel microscopic
unseen, unheard, and not loved
oh well, i abstain

Monday, January 11, 2021

1-11-2021 12:50am i weep

as usual scroll down
and click play if it is 
not auto-playing

years like leaves in twisted winds
eyes like shutters nailed shut
and the people dance in pools of hatreds
watchers like stars in night skies
and the empaths weep
i weep for this world
i weep for my sadness of my life
and i weep for the people of this world
i weep for the days when we all 
looked at one another with a smile and a nod
with a pleasant "how are you?" in passing
i weep for the days when beauty was everywhere
i weep for the children of this world
years like cemetery headstones
eyes like raging fires burning
the people at war with everything
and the empaths weep
i weep for who i once was
i weep for my missing heart
the flattened one, the target 
i weep for humanity
and when i weep, my tears are in vain
when i feel, i feel in vain
years pass in vain 
eyes open, yet don't see
the people fight each other in vain
and the empaths weep

i weep tears on shores of life
my tears are absent any care
my life is absent any care
i walk like a plastic bag in the wind
my countenance is of sheer defeat
i tried in vain
i loved in vain
i cared in vain
it's times like these that we all
could really learn from the
cat that plays in the grass
from the child and it's imagination
we could learn from love
we could learn that hatred only creates
more and even worse hatred
my life such as it is is already difficult to be in
and with the world losing it's grip on humanity
my future is looking more and more bleak
wind blows across burnt fields
the flowers withered and crumbling
the trees that once swayed seared to ash
and this little boy still plays
hoping for a green blade of grass
i don't feel anything but sadness these days
the days like train tunnels through mountains
my mind like a room filled with shouting people
my heart like mangled shreds of paper
sometimes when i cry from loneliness 
i think to myself, no one is even aware that im here
crying out almost 45 years worth of pain
that thought is such a whole different level of loneliness
people that live nearby that it wouldn't
even occur to them that there is a man
in agony and their dogs torture him further with their
incessant barking and the noise of their booming bass
from their cars poke and prod my mind like a hot poker
and the occasional passerby walking a dog
completely unaware of a lonely man weeping into eternity
or, when i do leave the house, the road rager angry at me for not
driving like a complete mad man
unaware of the sheer level of loneliness i'm in
and that those actions towards me make me feel even
further alienated from society and human interaction
if i could have any wish, it would be for the world to love again
and for beauty to come back to it again
nevermind my loneliness
i'm a thought in passing
a memory that will fade like light during sunset
it is sad to think that whenever my time comes
that i may just be alone when it comes
....that is yet another kind of loneliness
to die alone, with no love, no one to care
anyway, the girl cat is watching me type
her countenance is of peace and contentment
i wished there were strong enough and fitting words
that could properly and exactly describe how defeated i feel
im tired and my head rings
im an echo, aren't i?